Far left row is Gene Chase age 8.
Middle row front is Henrietta White, age 13, working on sewing project. Middle row behind Henrietta is brother Charles, age 11.
Right row front is Dorothy White, age7. Right row middle is Genevieve White, age 6. Right row in the back is Gloria White, age 9.
The school house also had a small storage "book" room for school related supplies, as well as a very small living area and bedroom "apartment" with a tiny kitchen and storage porch that served as living quarters for the teacher. The Parker family (Abraham Lincoln and sons) built the school complete with outdoor bathrooms seperated for girls and boys.
The 1930 school year started out with only the 5 White children, but increased to six when Archie and Manda Chase moved to Gustavus with young son Gene before winter set in.
The school house and teacher's apartment were both heated by coal in the beginning, and later by wood.