1916 Marriage Announcement Inez "May" Parker & William "Bill" White |
Announcement of the "ring ceremony" marriage of Abraham & Edith Parker's daughter Inez "May" to William C. White, machinest from Thane, Alaska. Event & dinner held in A.L. Parker's Douglas, Alaska home 1 yr. before moving his family (1917) to Strawberry Point to homestead.
Married Last Night
At the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Parker, of Douglas, Rev. E. S. Bollinger performed the ceremony last night that united in the bonds of wedlock Miss Inez May Parker and Mr. William C. White, of Thane. The impressive ring ceremony was used. After the ceremony and congratulations, a splendid dinner was enjoyed. The bride is well known and very popular on the Island, her popularity being attested by the many useful and valuable presents bestowed last night. Mr. White is a machinist and engaged in the shop at Thane, where they will make their future residence being at home to their friends after October 15. About a score of the close friends of the happy couple were present at the wedding.
1916 Marriage Announcement Inez "May" Parker & William "Bill" White |
Announcement of the "ring ceremony" marriage of Abraham & Edith Parker's daughter Inez "May" to William C. White, machinest from Thane, Alaska. Event & dinner held in A.L. Parker's Douglas, Alaska home 1 yr. before moving his family (1917) to Strawberry Point to homestead.
Married Last Night
At the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Parker, of Douglas, Rev. E. S. Bollinger performed the ceremony last night that united in the bonds of wedlock Miss Inez May Parker and Mr. William C. White, of Thane. The impressive ring ceremony was used. After the ceremony and congratulations, a splendid dinner was enjoyed. The bride is well known and very popular on the Island, her popularity being attested by the many useful and valuable presents bestowed last night. Mr. White is a machinist and engaged in the shop at Thane, where they will make their future residence being at home to their friends after October 15. About a score of the close friends of the happy couple were present at the wedding.
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