Donations to Gustavus
Historical Archives & Antiquitiesï¿¿
Historical Archives & Antiquities (GHAA) has been granted
tax-exempt status by the IRS. GHAA will accept donations of cash,
land, buildings, vehicles and other goods of value (fully tax
deductible) in order to support ongoing expenses, web site
development, archive materials, technical equipment, etc. In
addition, there will be a long-term need for secure and proper
storage facilities for public access to donated collections &
artifacts. Gustavus History collects and preserves important
documents, photos, and artifacts from the earliest days of
Strawberry Point, Glacier
Bay & surrounding areas.
All donations to
Gustavus Historical Archives & Antiquities are fully qualified
for federal deductions on your income
Anyone who may have documents, photographs, ephemera
or antiquities of early Gustavus that they are willing to add to the
historic library (whether originals or copies of originals) are
all welcome and source credits will be given. In the event duplicate
copies are received, source credits will be given to the first
person or family who submits the new historical material.
For inquiries, suggestions, or contributions
call (907) 697-2242, Lee or Linda Parker.
14 Gustavus, Alaska 99826
(907) 697-2242 (summer
only) (907) 697-3042 (summer and
Copyright 2007. Gustavus Historical Archives & Antiquities.
P.O. Box 14, Gustavus, Alaska 99826 (907) 697-2242. All rights reserved.
No part of this webpage of Gustavus, Alaska History may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronical, mechanical, recording,
or otherwise, without prior written permission from Gustavus Historical
Archives & Antiquities. This webpage may be printed only for personal or
classroom use.